About Us
The DIvision of Global Engagement at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette strives to create and develop the University’s global initiatives and provide multidisciplinary pathways to globalize education for our students, and foster research and professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.
Our Offices
Consisting of the offices of Study Abroad Programs and International Affairs, as well as the University’s Intensive English Program, the Division of Global Engagement is an Academic Affairs unit responsible for the University’s globalization efforts.
Opportunities for Students, Faculty & Staff
We aim to expand and diversify the University’s global partnerships, facilitate global education for all UL Lafayette students, increase international student enrollment, and develop and enhance alumni and community engagement.
A quality education is not only about mastering the curriculum in the academic field of study. It requires, among other things, developing a global perspective, a solid set of values to guide our behaviors, learning how to think critically and independently and learning how to apply the concept of joie de vivre in our lives. It is our duty to help students and the local community to understand and appreciate global interdependency.
Learn more about the global experience for faculty >
Learn more about the global experience for students >
Welcome from Global Engagement Director Gabriel Carranza
“I want to welcome you to the Division of Global Engagement at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Here you will find information on our commitment to globalize education, research and service, while providing a nourishing and welcoming environment for international students and visiting scholars. We are proud of our international students, faculty, visiting scholars and alumni, who play a significant role in supporting our objective to create more experiential learning opportunities for our students, while opening doors for international research projects. I invite you to join our quest as we aim at fulfilling our global mission. You are always welcome to visit us in the Student Union, Room 136. We look forward to meeting you and sharing in your experience at the University."
- Dr. Gabriel Carranza